Connecting, supporting, and empowering

science educators

throughout Colorado.

CAST Constitution and By-Laws


REVISIONS ADOPTED November 8, 2019

Article 1 - Identity 

Section 1: This organization shall be known as the Colorado Association of Science Teachers, hereinafter designated as the CAST.

Section 2: The CAST shall be a State Chapter of the National Science Teaching Association (NSTA), 1840 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA 22201. 

Article 2 - Purpose 

Section 1: The purpose of the CAST shall be to support, stimulate, and improve science education at all levels of instruction (pre-K through college) in the State of Colorado.

Section 2: The CAST shall participate in the Colorado Science Conference.

Section 3: The CAST shall communicate regularly with its members. 

Article 3 - Membership 

Section 1: The qualifications and rights of members shall be as defined in the By-laws. Membership dues shall be determined by the Executive Board.

Section 2: The CAST shall hold an annual meeting. 

Article 4 - Government 

Section 1: The CAST shall be governed by an Executive Board consisting of the elected officers and the elected regional directors.

Section 2: The powers and duties of the Executive Board together with the method of their election shall be prescribed in the By-laws.

Section 3: The Executive Board shall retain the right to review, repudiate, or veto the action or actions of an officer, committee, person, or group acting for or in the name of the CAST. 

Article 5 - Amendments 

Section 1: A proposed amendment or revision of the Constitution may originate in the Executive Board or through a petition submitted to the Executive Board, bearing the signatures of not less than ten percent (10%) of the CAST members.

Section 2: A proposed amendment to or revision of the Constitution, if approved by two-thirds of the Executive Board at a business meeting, shall be submitted to the membership of the CAST for adoption or rejection. This shall be done by submission of the amendment or revision to the Annual Meeting of the CAST or through publication on the web-site and/or by email, at least thirty (30) days prior to the tabulation of ballots.

Section 3: Any amendment to or revision of the Constitution is adopted if it is approved by a two-thirds majority of total ballots returned or approved by a two-thirds majority of total votes at the annual meeting. 

Article 6 - Dissolution 

Section 1: In the event of the dissolution of The Colorado Association of Science Teachers (CAST), the Executive Board will decide to distribute any remaining funds in one of the following methods:

  1. To the Colorado Science Conference Governing Board (CSCGB),

  2. To any remaining Colorado science organizations based on the Colorado Science Conference Governing Board (CSCGB) formula for distributing proceeds from the conference, and/or

  3. Cash refund to each existing member of The Colorado Association of Science Teachers (CAST).


REVISIONS ADOPTED November 8, 2019

Paragraph 1 - Membership 

Section 1.0 - Membership is valid from month payment is received for the year(s) paid.

Section 2.0 - Individuals interested in science education at any level are qualified for membership in the CAST.

Section 3.0 - Membership levels and dues will be determined by the executive board.

Section 4.0 - All members are entitled to vote and shall receive regular communications.

Paragraph 2 - Elections 

Section 1.0 -A call for candidates will be announced at the Annual Meeting and posted on the web-site. 

Section 2.0 - A slate of candidates will be submitted to the membership.

Section 3.0 – Each candidate will be provided an opportunity to have a biography and a vision statement included in an election email which shall contain the official ballot. 

Section 4.0 - The results of the election shall be published. 

Paragraph 3 - Executive Board (Voting Board Members)

Section 1.0 - All members of the Executive Board shall be members of the CAST and encouraged to be members of the NSTA.

Section 2.0 - Officers:

Section 2.1 - The officers of the CAST shall be President-Elect, President, Secretary, Treasurer and the 9 Regional Directors. 

Section 2.2 - The President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and Regional Directors are to be chosen from and elected by the membership at large. After two years, the President-Elect assumes the office of President and remains President for two years.

Section 2.3 - A President-Elect is elected every even year. The office of Treasurer shall be elected for 4 years in even years divisible by four. The office of secretary shall be elected shall be elected for four years in even years not divisible by four. Regional Directors serve a three year term. 

Section 2.4 - Officers shall become voting members of the Executive Board on July 1 following their election. 

Section 3.0 - Regional Directors: 

Section 3.1 - The Regional Directors of the Executive Board will represent the following regions of the state of Colorado. 

Region 1: - Northeastern Region consisting of the following counties: Adams, Arapahoe, Boulder, Clear Creek, Denver, Douglas, Elbert, Gilpin, Jackson, Jefferson, Kit Carson, Larimer, Lincoln, Logan, Morgan, Park, Phillips, Sedgwick, Washington, Weld, and Yuma. 

Region 2: - Southeastern Region consisting of the following counties: Alamosa, Baca, Bent, Chaffee, Cheyenne, Conejos, Costilia, Crowley, Custer, El Paso, Fremont, Huerfano, Kiowa, Las Animas, Mineral, Otero, Prowers, Pueblo, Rio Grande, Saguache, and Teller. 

Region 3: - Western Region consisting of the following counties: Archuleta, Delta, Dolores, Eagle, Garfield, Grand, Gunnison, Hinsdale, Lake, LaPlata, Mesa, Moffat, Montezuma, Montrose, Ouray, Pitkin, Rio Blanco, Routt, San Juan, San Miguel, and Summit. 

Section 3.2 - Each Regional Director shall serve a three-year term, beginning July 1 following the election. There are three regional directors for each region, Elementary, Secondary, and College/Informal Education. One director from each region and at a different level shall be elected each year. 

Paragraph 4 - Duties 

Section 1.0 - The Executive Board:

Section 1.1 - Shall conduct official business of the CAST Board.

Section 1.2 - Shall promote the mission of CAST in formal and informal settings. 

Section 1.3 - Shall attend quarterly meetings of  the CAST Board, providing input into the business of CAST via input, discussion and/or voting. Shall approve the minutes of the previous meeting and the treasurers’ report.

Section 1.4 - Shall review and approve the audit and proposed budget as presented by the treasurer.

Section 1.5 - Shall fill the Executive Board vacancies, for the duration of the term, from qualified members.

Section 1.6 - Shall conduct an annual review of the Constitution, By-Laws, and SOP.

Section 2.0 - The President-Elect or their designee:

Section 2.1 - Shall actively support the President in an intern role.

Section 2.2 - Shall in the President's absence, preside over meetings of the Executive Board.

Section 2.3 - Shall communicate with the CAST membership regularly .

Section 2.4 - Shall coordinate the CAST booth at CSC.

Section 2.5 - Shall coordinate the elections of CAST board members. Shall work with the CAST Board to fill vacancies upon resignation of board members.

Section 2.6 - Shall be active liaison to other science education groups. 

Section 2.7 - Shall participate in the internal audit.

Section 2.8 - Shall be encouraged to attend the National Congress on Science Education (NCSE)

Section 3.0 - The President or their designee:

Section 3.1 - Shall actively mentor the President-Elect.

Section 3.2 - Shall be in charge of the CAST Board Meetings, including scheduling, setting and distributing agenda, and presiding over the meetings.  

Section 3.3 - Shall be the overseer of the financial matters of the CAST. Shall participate in the internal audit.

Section 3.4 - Shall communicate with the CAST membership regularly .

Section 3.5 - Shall coordinate and present the annual CAST awards and recognition of retiring board members.

Section 3.6 -  Shall lead the annual review of the CAST constitution, by-laws, and SOP.

Section 3.7 - Shall be in charge of all publications and press releases related to the CAST activities. 

Section 3.8 - Shall be active liaison to other science education groups.  

Section 3.9 - Shall be encouraged to attend the National Congress on Science Education (NCSE).

Section 4.0 - The Secretary:

Section 4.1 - Shall maintain a record of and distribution system for the official business and actions of the Executive Board.

Section 4.2 - Shall share the minutes of business meetings with the members of the CAST Board, webmaster, and historian within fourteen (14) days of each CAST Board meeting.

Section 4.3 - Shall coordinate with the President in the distribution of pertinent information to and beyond the CAST community.

Section 4.4  - Shall be in charge of membership and report to the board. 

Section 5.0 - The Treasurer:

Section 5.1 - Shall manage financial transactions of the CAST utilizing checking and savings accounts. 

Section 5.2 -  Shall maintain financial ‘books’ and other documents for CAST, report financial status to the CAST Board at business meetings, and comply with government filings and forms. 

Section 5.3 - Shall propose and present, prior to June 30, a budget for the upcoming fiscal year (July 1 to June 30). 

Section 5.4 - Shall manage classroom mini-grants and website drawings for classroom materials.

Section 6.0 - Regional Directors:

Section 6.1 - Shall promote the CAST membership and its benefits. Shall actively seek new CAST members from their region. 

Section 6.2 - Shall organize, provide, and/or participate in one or more professional development and/or social event(s) for science teachers annually. 

Section 6.3 - Shall promote the Colorado Science Conference.

Section 6.4 - Shall actively share items of interest to science teachers with regional or general CAST members. 

Section 7.0 - CAST Webmaster

Section 7.1 - Shall be appointed by the CAST Board for an indefinite period of time.

Section 7.2 - Shall be a non-voting member of the CAST Board and is encouraged to attend BOARD meetings.

Section 7.3 - Shall maintain the CAST website and distribute communications to membership. 

Section 7.4 - Shall be paid a negotiable amount from the CAST funds.

Section 7.5 - Shall work with the designated representative of the CAST Board to produce and distribute regular communications to the membership. 

Section 7.6 - Shall communicate the work of the CAST Board with the membership. 

Section 7.7 - Shall promote the mission of CAST in formal and informal settings. 

Paragraph 5 - Meetings 

Section 1.0 - The CAST Board shall hold quarterly business meetings and additional meetings as needed.

Section 2.0 - Business meetings, especially the Annual Meeting, are open to all members.

Section 3.0 - Reports pertinent to the business of the CAST will be presented according to the agenda at each business meeting.

Section 4.0 - A majority of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. In the case of extenuating circumstances, business may be transacted and completed through a quorum by telecommunications. 

Section 5.0 - At the President's discretion, telecommunications may be used to conduct business.

Section 6.0 - Robert's Rules of Order, Revised, shall be followed.

Paragraph 6 - Committees 

Section 1.0 - The President or Executive Board may establish standing and ad hoc committees as the need arises.

Section 2.0 - The duties and duration of each committee shall be defined at the time of appointment.

Section 3.0 - The chairs of such committees shall prepare a report to be presented to the CAST Board at a business meeting. 

Paragraph 7 - Amendments 

Section 1.0 - A proposed amendment or revision of the By-Laws may originate in the Executive Board or through a petition submitted to the Executive Board, bearing the signatures of not less than ten percent (10%) of the CAST members.

Section 2.0 - A proposed amendment to or revision of the By-Laws, if approved by two-thirds of the Executive Board at a business meeting, shall be submitted to the membership of the CAST for adoption or rejection. This shall be done by submission of the amendment or revision to the Annual Meeting of the CAST or through publication on the web-site and/or by email, at least thirty (30) days prior to the tabulation of ballots.

Section 3.0 - Any amendment to or revision of the By-Laws is adopted if it is approved by a two-thirds majority of total ballots returned or approved by a two-thirds majority of total votes at the annual meeting. 


Colorado Association of Science Teachers is a 501(c) 6 non-profit organization

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